Contractors need to speed up work on Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway – Croal


Works currently being executed on the Schoonord to Crane four-lane highway are under review and to ensure that the project is completed in time, there is a need for some contractors to work faster.

And to do this, they may need to ‘double up’, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal said on Thursday.

Croal made the disclosure during a visit to the West Coast of Demerara to inspect ongoing infrastructural works.

The $11.8 billion contract for the highway was awarded to eight contractors – VR Construction Inc, Avinash Contracting & Scrap Metal Inc, L-Heureuse Construction and Services Inc, Guyamerica Construction Inc, AJM Enterprise, Vals Construction, Puran Bros Disposal Inc, and JS Guyana Inc.

Croal said he is only satisfied with the progress made by two of the contractors thus far.

“The contractors there are working. We have been reviewing to have them double up because we do believe…that they can work, not all, but many can work faster than they are working. The others can do much better. Of course, as you come into the Christmas period, road access and the main roads become much more busy,” Croal said.

The highway from Schoonord, West Bank Demerara to Crane, West Coast Demerara is expected to be completed by June 2024.

The new highway complements ongoing infrastructural works within the region especially the development of new housing areas. When completed, it is expected to significantly reduce traffic congestion on the west side.

The project will see the construction of 4.1 kilometres of a dual carriageway reinforced concrete road with an emergency lane as well as 2.4 kilometres of road rehabilitation, and upgrade.

It will also feature two roundabouts, 11 reinforced concrete box culverts, 36 pre-stressed bridges, and road signage and markings.


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