Miner, workers held at gunpoint, robbed of gun


A miner, along with two of his workers, was on Thursday held at gunpoint and robbed of his licensed firearm and gold extract while traversing a road at Sand Hill Backdam, Cuyuni River, Region #7.

Police Headquarters reported that Mohamed Azam Shadiek, 33, a miner of Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara, was robbed at about 18:45 hrs.

The police said the two unidentifiable men wore masks.

Shadiek and his workers washed down his six-inch land dredge at about 17:00hrs and then the man secured the production in a small green container which was placed in his haversack.

Shadiek was also armed with his .32 pistol when he boarded his ATV along with two of his workers: Wayne Thomas and Isaque Brown. The three were headed to his camp.

During the journey, a tree lying across the road blocked the path of the ATV, resulting in Shadiek stopping. It was then that the two suspects, both armed with handguns, came out from the bushes and held the three men at gunpoint.

The bandits relieved Shadiek of his licensed .32 pistol along with ten .32 live rounds of ammunition and an undisclosed amount of amalgum gold (used for gold extraction).

The suspects thereafter made good their escape on foot in some nearby bushes.

Searches are being conducted for the suspects as investigations continue, the police said.

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