Another commitment fulfilled as Lethem residents get keys to $3M clay brick houses


Bringing much-needed relief to the residents of Lethem, Region Nine, the Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal on Saturday handed over the keys to houses to some 18 families that were constructed through the Central Housing and Planning Authority.

The $54 million investment saw 18 houses constructed and distributed to beneficiaries who had their land but needed support to commence building.

Minister Croal was accompanied by a group of ministry staff to conduct several activities at Lethem, Region Nine.

The first set of beneficiaries visited their new clay brick two-bedroom flat houses valued at $3 million with the minister at Culvert City housing scheme; these houses are part of the government’s Lethem Housing Support project, conceptualised by President Dr Irfaan Ali.

“At the end of the day, when this programme is fully implemented, [there] will be 600 families that have a shelter and got an opportunity to put a home that they could do on their own,” Minister Croal said.

The clay brick house built by the Central Housing and Planning Authority. (Photo: Ministry of Housing and Water/ January 27, 2024)

The government has several initiatives to ensure that the massive housing drive benefit citizens across the country.

These homes are part of the first 48 houses at Tabatinga and Culvert City, and contracts were signed for another 40 which are being constructed at Poke Bridge.

The minister said part of the economic development at Lethem is ensuring that the residents can benefit. And so, the construction materials were sourced from the border town.

For the construction works, timber, blocks and sand were supplied from communities such as Kwatamang, Shulinab, Shea, Moco Moco, St. Ignatius, and Surama.

“Therefore, in one project for these houses that we are handing over to the you, have the involvement of over seven villages, seven communities are earning for themselves,”the housing minister said.

Residents of Lethem gathered to raise concerns during the minister’s outreach. (Photo: Ministry of Housing and Water/ January 27, 2024)

He added that the housing development in Region Nine paves the way for greater community development and investments within the region.

“We also want to remind that, in the Track ‘A’ Lethem, new housing areas were all developed under this current government. It is an opportunity for 650 persons to build their own homes in that housing area.

“That’s a huge opportunity for a huge community startup,” he said.

Croal subsequently conducted a visit to Poke Bridge where several persons were able to identify their houselots. The minister said part of his visit was to ensure that issues affecting the residents are addressed in an effective manner.

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