$2.7M bail for truck driver who hid ganja in toolbox


Reaaz Bacchus, the 41-year-old truck driver who hid 9.25 kilograms of marijuana in a toolbox was granted $2.7 million bail after he was charged on Tuesday.

Bacchus from New Amsterdam, Berbice, appeared at the Diamond/Grove Magistrate’s Court before His Worship Delon Bess, where he pleaded not guilty. The matter was adjourned to July 29, 2024.

Bacchus was arrested Friday when ranks intercepted a truck driven by Bacchus in the vicinity of Bagotstown Public Road, East Bank Demerara.

The marijuana was found in two bulky shopping bags in the toolbox under the truck.

Police said he claimed a “Rastaman” gave him the bags to drop off over the “west side”.

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