Man wanted for murder arrested after high-speed chase


A major breakthrough in a high-profile murder investigation occurred late Friday night when police apprehended Quacy Jamal Craig, a suspect wanted for questioning in a murder case.

At approximately 10:45 hrs, police on mobile patrol in Georgetown intercepted a black Allion motor car (#PAC 9713) near the Pegasus Hotel on Seawall Road. Craig, a 36-year-old supervisor from West Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, was driving the vehicle. He is sought by authorities in connection with the murder of Dexter Hersham, which took place on August 11, 2023, in West Ruimveldt.

Craig’s 33-year-old reputed wife, Dane Wienzen, was also in the car. The arresting sergeant informed Craig of his wanted status and took him into custody. A search of the vehicle turned up no significant evidence. Craig was then directed to drive the car, with his reputed wife and another officer inside, to the Ruimveldt Police Station, while two other officers followed on motorcycles.

Upon reaching the police station, Craig suddenly veered left and sped off into Yarrow Dam, triggering a chase by the motorcycle officers. Craig drove the vehicle until it could no longer proceed, then exited and fled on foot. Despite repeated calls to stop, he continued running and eventually jumped into a nearby trench.

In an attempt to apprehend him, one of the officers, armed with a service pistol, fired a shot, hitting Craig in the buttocks. Craig was then captured and transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He was examined by a doctor and admitted as a patient under police guard.

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