I’m a team player- Dr Norton on his demotion


By Delicia Bailey


Newly appointed Minister of Social Cohesion, Dr George Norton says he has hit the ground running at his new office and is looking forward to the challenge ahead.

Just yesterday (Tuesday, January 4,2017) President David Granger officially announced this Cabinet shift that saw Dr Norton being re-appointed to Social Cohesion from being the senior Minister at the Ministry of Public Health.

Dr Norton, today (Wednesday, January 4, 2017) told News Room that he believes the decision to move him was in the interest of the collective and he is happy to serve in whatever capacity the President feels he can be most useful.

“We’ve got a five year term and if whoever is strategizing recognized that in order for us to maintain ourselves in Government, because that is what it boils down to, being in Government, that I will serve better in Ministry of Cohesion and I’ve worked my life off to be here then I will happily go into it” Dr Norton said.

It was on Monday January 2, that the former Health Minister, says he learnt of his re-appointment which from his view is certainly a demotion although he says it may not be viewed and described in this way by the collective.

According to Dr Norton “when one considers that you come from a Ministry with such a large member of staff and a budget of 25 billion to one with just probably a dozen staff members and 90 million dollars budget, I don’t know how else you can describe that.” However, he notes that he is part of a collective and is a team player.

Dr Norton today officially handed over operations to his successor, Minister Volda Lawrence who President David Granger says will be bringing to the Ministry of Public Health “certain managerial skills.”


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