Tyrone Rowe known as ‘Cobra’ on Tuesday pleaded guilty to a manslaughter charge before Justice Navindra Singh at the High Court and told the Judge that he wanted to be released from prison early so he can attend a J’ouvert party during Carnival in May.
Rowe, however, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment by Justice Singh for the murder of Troy Collymore on August 5, 2010, whom he shot during a robbery at a pharmacy in Plaisance, on the East Coast of Demerara.
In September 2013, Rowe was sentenced to 78 years in jail for the same murder but he appealed his conviction and a re-trial was ordered.
When he appeared before Justice Singh Tuesday, Rowe opted to plead guilty to the lesser count.
Rowe, of Independence Boulevard, La Penitence, also pleaded guilty to an armed robbery charge and was sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment, however, Justice Singh ordered that the sentences run concurrently.
The State was represented by prosecutors Abigail Gibbs, Tuanna Hardy, and Teriq Mohammed while Rowe was represented by Attorney-at-law Mark Conway.
Attorney, Conway in his plea of mitigation, told the court that Rowe while on remand, underwent anger management along with various skill training and counselling.
According to reports, on the day in question, Collymore and two other men were outside a business place at Plaisance, when they were attacked by gunmen.
Collymore was shot to the head and was declared ‘brain dead’ by doctors. He succumbed two days later at the Georgetown Public Hospital.