Home Education Region Six benefits from five computer learning centres

Region Six benefits from five computer learning centres

Students of the Auchlyne Primary School utilizing their new laptop computers (Photo: Ministry of Education)

Five Computer Learning Centres were officially declared opened on Friday in Region Six at the Auchlyne Primary School, the No. 36 Primary School, the No. 59 Primary School, the Massiah Primary School and the No. 63 New Market Primary School.

Declaring the Learning Centres open was Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, who noted that the gesture is timely given the COVID-19 pandemic.

The centres were made possible by a group of overseas based Guyanese, Mr. and Mrs. Shivpersaud, Kowsilla Suraj and Rudy Suraj.

The group made the donation through the Shri Devi Mandir Global Humanitarian Foundation headed by Pandit Tillack Shivrattan.

Minister Manickchand assisting a student of the No. 59 Primary School with using one of the laptops in the new Learning Centre at the school (Photo: Ministry of Education)

Minister Manickchand lauded the foundation for contributing in a structured way to the current needs in the education sector and the needs of the communities in which the schools are located.

She explained that at some point, schools will reopen, but this may not be done in the manner we are accustomed to. She said that these learning centres and similar resources will become necessary so that students at home can still be engaged with what is being taught in the classroom.

Some of the computers now available to be used at the five schools (Photo: Ministry of Education)

“Five laptops in schools such as these mean a lot. It allows the Education Department to add to that and allow the school to be a technology-assisted school that we want to foster,” the minister said.

Meanwhile, Pandit Shivrattan said that he was overjoyed to equip the schools and noted that the contributors to the foundation must be thanked for making this a reality. (Modified press release from Ministry of Education)



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