Rifle Association executives update Sport Minister on developmental pathway


The Executive Committee of the Guyana National Rifle Association (GuyanaNRA) recently paid a courtesy call on Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson Jr.

The Executive members included Honourary Secretary Ryan Sampson, Treasurer Hemant Narine, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Lennox Braithwaite, Fullbore Captain Dylan Fields, and his Vice-Captain, Leo Romalho.

“The courtesy call was very cordial, and the Executive updated the Minister about their last AGM held in December 2021, where Brigadier Godfrey Bess was elected as its President. The Association, which has always had a good relationship with previous Ministers, pledges to continue in like manner,” a release from the GuyanaNRA outlined.

“The Secretary promised to submit the Minutes of their last AGM along with their financial statement. In relation to the Sports Academy, which Minister Ramson spoke on, and his plans on sports development, the Association expressed their need for an appropriate indoor range for the training of ISSF-styled shooting, which can lead to Olympic participation.”

The Association added, “The GuyanaNRA noted that the indoor range will align very well with the Sports Academy as youths can be well trained in the principles of marksmanship. Smallbore air pistols and air rifles can be used for the training of young shooters.”

The Association added that there can be formulated programmes for young shooters leading to the Olympics.

“With the Association’s present range having to be moved from Yarrowkabra, on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway, due to the government’s development in the area, Minister Ramson stated that he would work with the Association and its Patron, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, in creating a new and modern range,” the release highlighted.

Additionally, the Association has been assigned the hosting of the 2024 West Indies Fullbore Shooting Championship. This was an outcome of the recently held AGM of the West Indies Fullbore Council in Jamaica during the 2022 West Indies Fulbore Shooting Championship.

“The GuyanaNRA stated that they have commenced the work to achieve a successful hosting of the 2024 West Indies Championship. The Association has posited that hosting this prestigious competition would also contribute to Sport Tourism for Guyana as teams from Canada and the United Kingdom are expected to participate. The Association has promised to keep Minister Ramson abreast of their plans,” the release concluded.

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