Mike Mangal wins DemLife golf tournament


Despite the rain on Friday, golfers came out in their numbers on Saturday to compete in the Demerara Mutual Insurance golf tournament at the Lusignan Golf Course, East Coast Demerara.

When it was all done and dusted, the experienced Mike Mangal walked away with the majority of the spoils. Apart from the being the overall champion, Mangal also recorded the Best Gross and Best Net scores.

The results for the tournament were as follows:

0-16 Flight

1st– Mike Mangal (Handicap 8, Gross 79, Net 71)

2nd– Paton George (Handicap 16, Gross 88, Net 72)

Flight 17-36

1st– Chet Bowling (Handicap 28, Gross 102, Net 74)

2nd– Gavin Todd (Handicap 20, Gross 96, Net 76)

Nearest to Pin– Ayube Subhan

Longest Drive– Rakesh Harry

Overall Best Gross– Mike Mangal 79

Overall Best Net– Mike Mangal 71

The top performers with representatives of Demerara Mutual

At the presentation ceremony was Demerara Mutual Sales and Marketing Manager Sharmela Ramsammy who stated that the company was happy to sponsor such a tournament.

She noted that while the game is not that popular she is optimistic that in time it will take its place among the top ranked sports.

Sharing his view was the victorious Mike Mangal, who said: “I had a good game today, it could have been better, but I have accepted what I have gotten. The competition was fair, everybody didn’t get such a good score, but the course played extremely well.”

LGC Secretary Chet Bowling also went on to explain that the club is grateful to Demerara Mutual as they have shown their good social cooperate responsibility towards the sport.

Bowling divulged that the company representatives came out in their numbers to support the tournament, which showed that they are involved.

Demerara Mutual has established itself over the last hundred years to be one of the best insurance providers in Guyana and other territories in the Caribbean region.

An ever-expanding team of trustworthy staff and agents have been serving over 20,000 policyholders.

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