Impressed with Police work, Pres. Ali calls for targeted strategy to deal with drunk, reckless driving


In traditional fashion, Dr. Irfaan Ali as the country’s sitting Head of State addressed the opening of the Annual Police Officers’ Conference on Thursday, saying he was impressed with the work of the Guyana Police Force over the last year.

Dr. Ali commended the leadership of Police Commissioner (ag) Clifton Hicken.

“I am not dissatisfied with the performance [of the Guyana Police Force]. I have seen evidence of improvements under the admirable leadership by the Commissioner and team and we must give credit where credit is due,” Dr. Ali said.

He believes the Police Force has made significant strides to modernise, diversify and become more accountable.

Notwithstanding, the Head of State said crime-fighting and ensuring a safe country is a complex issue that is ever evolving; he said too that policing cannot be seen as isolated from development, and as a consequence, called on the officers to understand the importance of their duty.

It is against this backdrop that Dr Ali made a passionate appeal for the Guyana Police Force to support his administration’s intent on tackling drunk and reckless driving.

“I have seen very active work from the GPF… it is also pure recklessness and stupidity [on the part of] those who risk their lives and put other families’ lives at risk.

President Dr Irfaan Ali and Commissioner of Police (ag) Clifton Hicken (Photo: Guyana Police Force/April 27, 2023)

“This must stop,” Dr. Ali said.

He reminded those gathered of the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing (Amendment) Act 2022 and said the Police Force must ensure it is enforced, especially clauses that place responsibility on bar owners.

“We must implement this legislation and guidelines to the T. At the end of the Officers’ Conference, we need a massive educational campaign going from community to community and road by road,” Dr. Ali said.

Dr. Ali said, already, investments in technology is helping the Police to do its work but said the social component of policing should not be lost.

“I would like to see this Officers’ Conference in line with what we are doing. There must be a clear comprehensive strategy to deal with this.

“It is also impossible to do effective policing without the support of communities. This is why integrating communities are important. We must do more of this,” Dr. Ali added.

No community, street or citizen should be bypassed in this approach, Dr. Ali further posited.

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