TCI launches campaign for 2025 General Elections


See below full statement from The Citizenship Initiative (TCI):

The Citizenship Initiative (TCI), a democratic organization dedicated to empowering individuals and communities, is excited to announce the official launch of our campaign leading to the 2025-2026 general, regional, and local elections.

The upcoming elections represent a critical moment in our history, offering the opportunity to reshape our nation’s future. At TCI, we are committed to ensuring that the voices of all citizens are heard and that our policies reflect the collective aspirations of our people.

TCI is prepared to drive change and promote inclusivity in the political landscape. Our aim is to provide a platform where everyone can contribute and make a difference. We encourage all to get involved – as a member, candidate, donor, or supporter – and join us in this vital journey.

This campaign will focus on outreach to every corner of our country, with a comprehensive strategy that includes grassroots efforts, public meetings, community engagement, and digital initiatives. Our objective is to ensure that our campaign reflects the diverse needs, perspectives, and hopes of our citizens.

TCI will be releasing more information about its campaign, policy proposals, and ways to get involved in the coming weeks. We invite everyone to join us in our mission to shape a more inclusive, equitable, and vibrant future for our country.

The Executive Members of the TCI are: Rondha-Ann Lam, Shazaam Ally, Delon Moffett, Cerise Taylor, Nyall Jodhan, Timica Eastman and Khaimwatie Seenarine.

1 Comment
  1. Lynden Mona says

    whichever party brings one million dollars to each family per month or year ,will surely have a landslide victory., that money is the reward for our vote. we’re not playing , that old model inappropriate behavior .

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