First Lady gifts house to struggling Tuschen family


In keeping with a commitment made several weeks ago, First Lady, Mrs Arya Ali on Friday handed over the keys to a brand new house to a Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo family of four.

Over the years, Dolly Ward has been the sole bread winner for her family after her 75-year-old husband, Vibert Ward was diagnosed with prostate cancer some three years ago.

He has been bedridden since and Dolly provides round-the-clock care to him, in addition to having to care for their two teenage daughters.

Mrs Dolly Ward, First Lady, Mrs Ali and First Son, Zayd at the handing over ceremony (Photo: Office of the First Lady/June 16, 2023)

“We were struggling all the time and now we get a break through because of our First Lady and our President that came forward and give us this…It means a lot to us,” the overjoyed Dolly said as she expressed gratitude to the First Lady during a simple handing over ceremony on Friday afternoon.

During a visit to the community six weeks ago, the First Lady committed to ensuring that a new house is constructed to better accommodate the family who lived under deplorable conditions.

The cost of the construction of the house was offset by good samartians through the First Lady’s office.

Inside the new house (Photo: Office of the First Lady/June 16, 2023)

Apart from the house, a chicken coop, which can house 100 chickens at a time, was also built aback the house to help Ward generate an income.

“I am happy to be able to fulfill this commitment to you, and provide you with your new home in just six weeks. I hope that this will provide the kind of support that your family needs and that it will be of tremendous value to your girls,” the First Lady told Mrs Ward during the handing over.

And upon completion of their secondary education, the First Lady Ali said Ward’s two teenage daughters will be offered scholarships to ensure they further their studies.

“So as they are done with CXC…That is a promise also and we are going to deliver on that. To give the girls scholarships in whatever field they choose,” she noted.

The house gifted to the family (Photo: Office of the First Lady/June 16, 2023)

With tears in her eyes, Ward said the gesture by the First Lady will allow her family to live comfortably.

“I want to thank her (First Lady) very much…And all those who helped in any way…it means a lot to us,” the visibly emotional woman said.

Meanwhile, Regional Chairman of Region Three, Ishan Ayube, also committed to providing part-time employment for Mrs Ward. The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) pledged to also provide medical supplies for Mr Ward.

The single flat house, semi-furnished concrete structure was constructed over a six weeks period.

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