Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley believes that sport in the Caribbean and Africa can be developed further if the two regions collaborate more.
She called on stakeholders in both regions to seriously consider this partnership as she addressed the opening ceremony of the second AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum on Monday in Guyana.
“We must find a way for African football teams to play in the Caribbean and Caribbean teams to play in Africa as a matter of urgency,” she said.
Further, Prime Minister Mottley said the Caribbean has demonstrated its prowess in cricket, the world’s third most anticipated sporting event after the Olympics and football. As such, she thinks the Caribbean can share its “global excellence” in this sport with African communities.
Athletics was another sport field she believed the two regions could benefit from increased collaboration.
Jamaica sprinters and Kenya long distance runners are among those who can lead the cross-development of athletics in the two regions.
Beyond sport, Mottley said the regions must capitalise on their common yet unique cultures. So musicians, artists, and filmmakers in both regions must be supported.
“This is one of our greatest assets, and it is one of our greatest assets for bridging gaps and peace,” Mottley emphasised.