Wilson re-elected President of Powerlifting Federation; audited finances presented


Franklin Wilson was returned as President of the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPLF) when that entity held its Annual General Meeting on Saturday at the National Racquet Centre, Woolford Avenue and Camp Street.

There were three new additions to the eight-member executive committee, which will serve the sport for the next 12 months. Returning to serve apart from Wilson are Roger Rogers (Secretary), Maxwell Denny (Treasurer), Denroy Livan (Organising Secretary/PRO) and Committee Member, Farouk Abdool.

The new faces on the executive are Vice-President Oudit Seenarain and Committee Members, Asha Sookoo and Kiana Benjamin.

Apart from the respective reports from the President and Secretary highlighting the progress of the Federation during the first year of the new executive, which was elected in March of 2023, the highlight of the AGM was the presentation of the Audited Financial Statements.

Treasurer Maxwell guided the members through the presentation of document, which was not done for many years in the Federation. All the members present welcomed this necessary move by the Federation which was a promise made by Wilson when the new body was elected one year ago.

GAPLF President Franklin Wilson (fourth right), with his new executive committee. From right are Maxwell Denny, Denroy Livan, Asha Sookoo, Kiana Benjamin, Oudit Seenarain, Roger Rogers and Farouk Abdool

The document in its entirety would be uploaded to the GAPLF Facebook page apart from being presented to the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, National Sports Commission and the Guyana Olympic Association.

It will also be sent to the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) and South American Powerlifting Federation (FESUPO).

Wilson thanked the Secretary, and Treasurer and the Executive Committee for their contributions which have resulted in a huge year for the sport in Guyana.

Apart from hosting all the statutory competitions in 2023, the GAPLF was also represented at four international competitions, including three World Championships and the South American Championship.

For reposing confidence in him and the executive by electing them for another year, Wilson said that the work of lifting the Federation to another level which commenced in 2023, will continue in 2024 and beyond.

Gratitude was also extended to all the sponsors of the GAPLF during 2023, which collectively added up towards the Federation’s success.

Those recognised were the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, National Sports Commission, Fitness Express, E-Master Corporation, OPM, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, National Sports Commission, Guyana Olympic Association, John Fernandes Limited, the National Milling Company of Guyana, The Trophy Stall, and 592Tees, and Sunny and Sweetie Roti Shop.

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