Home 2016 July 27

Daily Archives: July 27, 2016

American Students and locals Exchange Culture

Representatives from the U.S. Embassy travelled with 32 students and staff from universities around the United States to the Amerindian village of St. Cuthbert,...

Gov’t willing to assist Venezuelans who respect immigration laws

­ On a humanitarian level, the Government of Guyana says it will not turn back Venezuelans who come to seek help, but the country’s laws...

Responsibility of Environment sector removed from Trotman; now falls under MOTP

Responsibility for the Environment Sector will be removed from the Ministry of Natural Resources and relocated to the Ministry of Presidency.   This is to ensure...

Drop-In Centre preliminary report reveals systemic problems at the facility – Harmon

The preliminary report on the Hadfield Street Drop-In Centre fire has revealed systemic problems which exist not only at the facility but in many...

Deputy CEO of Education Ministry urges Educators to “make learning relevant”

The school system in Guyana is in dire need of trained Guidance and Career Counselors, as well as teachers who can identify slow learners...

Out-Of-School Children Initiative being conducted in collaboration with UNICEF

The Out-Of-School Children Initiative, two-day Workshop began today at the Regency Suites in Georgetown with a specific aim  to generate a document which will...

‘Ajinomoto do Brasil’ reinforces importance of buying original products

Press Release / Official Statement   Ajinomoto do Brasil holds the exclusive rights to all intellectual property related to the trademark AJI-NO-MOTO® and advises that Continental...

Large banks are cutting ties with small countries Should Guyana be concerned? Pt 3

In this edition, consideration will be given to the perspective of some global banks, why they are opting to cut ties with small countries...

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