Vincente drops incredible 53 points in blow-out win


By Treiston Joseph 

In case you missed it or did not hear about it, Dominic Vincente almost flooded the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall on Wednesday evening when his Dyna’s Ravens routed the Eagles 110-47. Vincente dropped 53 points in the win. Yeah, you read that right- 53 points- all by himself, outscoring the entire Eagles team by six points.

Known as the “Logo Kid” from his days of Youth basketball, Vincente was raining threes and connected  14 of them for a Georgetown Amateur Basketball Association (GABA) record which might just also be a Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) record as well.

The performance was probably the best individual performance by any player at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall and Vincente credited the hard work he has put in, along with his teammates.

It was a surreal feeling, I just kept on going because of my teammates, they encouraged me and even passed me the ball whenever I’m open… then at the end of the game I only thought I had like 10 threes, but I was wrong, I shocked myself by putting up 14, but at the end of the day it all comes down to the work I put in everyday and trusting the process to get better,” Vincente told News Room Sport.

I have covered basketball for the past seven years and never have a seen a shooting display like it, Stephon Gillis is probably the most renowned and respected ‘downtown bomber’ and not even his smooth stroke could scorch the nylon the way Vincente was dropping bombs all night from every part of the floor.

If it is not the greatest scoring performance at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall, it definitely has to be in the top five and Vincente was humble about the achievement.

“It’s an honor to be in that category of top performers knowing the talent that went through the Sports Hall before me. It was just a collaborated effort from the team to put me in this position and without God none of this would have been possible too,” the ‘Logo Kid’ highlighted.

It was definitely a game to behold and with Vincente and the Ravens set to play again on February 16, maybe an encore performance might be on the cards. 53 points, what a show!

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