Home Crime Woman killed in Brickdam accident identified 

Woman killed in Brickdam accident identified 


The victim in the fatal accident at the intersection of Winter Place on Brickdam, Georgetown, has been identified as 72-year-old Joyclyn Joseph of Bent Street, Wortmanville.

According to a police report, her daughter, Shirley Joseph related that the elderly woman was on her way to the Bourda Post Office to collect her pension. Police stated that motorcar PLL 2838 was allegedly speeding along Brickdam in an attempt to pass the stop light at the intersection of Winter Place when he struck down the pedestrian who was said to be crossing the road. The incident occurred at about 04:30hrs.

As a result of the impact, the pedestrian was reportedly dragged about thirty-nine meters; the vehicle came to a halt some one hundred and fifty-eight meters from the point of impact as recorded by investigators. Her left foot was severed as a result of the accident. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene by Emergency Medical personnel.

A breathalyser test was administered to the 35-year-old driver of ‘A’ Field Sophia, Greater, Georgetown and no alcohol was detected in his breath. He is in custody assisting with the investigation.



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