Burning of Holika tonight, Phagwah Monday


Please see below message from Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS). 

As Guyana prepares for Holi or Phagwah on Monday March 9th 2020, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha reminds all of the powerful and unifying messages enshrined in this lovely festival on the Hindu calendar.

Our festivals have always been strong harbingers of unity, courage and hope. Phagwah reminds us emphatically of the love we should share with all. The very act of smearing each other with beautiful colours of spring effectually removes barriers and differences and sends visible signs that hatred and enmity must never win over love and unity.

Over the years, in our beautiful land of Guyana, people of all walks of life, ethnicity and faiths have ‘played’ Phagwah and the world admired our togetherness. Let that spirit of Phagwah re-emerge at this tense and critical time in our country to forge national unity and fraternity cutting across every divide to remind us that our destiny is intertwined with mutual respect for our various differences and perspectives and our common goal for the good of our country.

Holika Dahan will be observed today, March 8th. We urge the Hindu community to attend their mandirs for satsangh and the burning of Holika and to have steadfast faith in Bhagwan as Prince Prahalad did. Holika Dahan epitomizes the triumph of good over evil. It reminds us all to stand strong against adharma (unrighteousness) and embrace the power of prayers. Every mandir must ensure that their Holika Dahan satsangh reverberates with prayers and chants and that upon the burning of Holika let the melodies of spring reverberate in the air.

You are invited to join the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha at the Shri Krishna Mandir, Campbelville for Holika Dahan satsangh and burning of Holika at 6:30pm.
On Phagwah Day, attend your various mandirs for special Phagwah satsangh – pray, sing and color each other affectionately with abrack and abeer. Let us be imbued with courage and faith

Join the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha on Phagwah morning at the Rama Krishna Dharmic Mandir, Barr Street, Kitty for special Holi Satsangh.

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