A 35-year-old driver of Chandra Nagar Street, Prashad Nagar was Friday charged with the murder of 61-year-old businesswoman Monica Singh Beekharry.
Rakeek Khan appeared before Magistrate Marissa Mittleholzer at the Vigilance Magistrate Court on Friday via Skype. He was not required to plea to the charge and was remanded to prison until July 20, 2020. The matter was also postponed to the Sparendaam Magistrate Court.
A Post Mortem Examination conducted on Beekharry, who was brutally murdered in her Atlantic Gardens, East Coast Demerara (ECD) home, found that she was struck multiple times to the head and right side rib.
The PME was conducted on Wednesday at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s mortuary by Government Pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh who gave the cause of death as brain haemorrhage as a result of multiple trauma to head, compounded by multiple fractures to right side rib.
The mother of three was found in a pool of blood at her Lot 152 – 154 Begonia Drive, Atlantic Gardens home on Monday afternoon.
Neighbours told the News Room that they heard the woman screaming for “murder” and so they contacted the Police who responded promptly.
The suspect, who is said to be a close friend of the woman, was found hiding in the house and was arrested after Police used tear gas to flush him out and subsequently broke down the door.