Home Politics Dr. Kissoon rescinded resignation, took Deputy Speaker post despite prior discussion –...

Dr. Kissoon rescinded resignation, took Deputy Speaker post despite prior discussion – ANUG reveals

From L - R: ANUG's General Secretary Timothy Jonas, Executive member Althia King and Chairman Kian Jabour

With little to no options to secure redress, A New and United Guyana (ANUG) continues to appeal to Deputy Speaker, Dr. Asha Kissoon to “do the right thing” and resign from the National Assembly.

Kissoon’s departure will make way for a new Parliamentarian to be sworn in and will seal the agreement between three parties – ANUG, The New Movement (TNM) and The Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) – to merge their votes and share the single seat on a rotation basis.

But as the TNM leader continues to occupy the seat against the urgings of the two joinder parties, more revelations are being made, including that she had in fact resigned as an MP and has since rescinded that resignation.

On Monday, it was made known that Dr. Kissoon approached ANUG to join forces and contest the upcoming 2025 elections.

But despite this revelation and previous statements that have now sullied her reputation, Dr. Kissoon is maintaining her silence and has offered no explanation publicly.

At a press conference on Tuesday, ANUG’s Chairman Kian Jabour, General Secretary Timothy Jonas and Executive member Althia King all decried the developments in recent weeks.

It was King who noted that Dr. Kissoon resigned the post earlier this year. ANUG later found out that the resignation was rescinded, however.

King was identified by ANUG as Dr. Kissoon’s replacement in the National Assembly in keeping with the agreement. She (King) should have been in Parliament since November 2023; even an extension to February 2024 is yet to be honoured.

Jabour said ANUG’s membership had long distrusted Dr. Kissoon who accepted the Deputy Speaker post against the principles of the party. At the time, Dr. Kissoon was allegedly already in the process of becoming a member of ANUG.

“This is a post ANUG and Ms. Kissoon spoke about and we expected she would have taken the principled position and not accept the seat.

“We believe it should have gone to the larger opposition as they represent the largest base.

“We agreed that we will not accept duty free or perks,” Jabour added.
And so, the ANUG members all agreed that Dr. Kissoon, an intelligent and promising politician, has drifted away from what she stood for when she entered politics in 2020.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Asha Kissoon supporting the motion at the Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly (Photo: News Room/ November 6, 2023)

King seemed most disappointed.

“Dr. Kissoon was someone that I supported and confided in… I personally was inspired by what she represented.

“Even though I am deprived of my responsibilities, duties and obligation to represent that seat… I am not injured,” she said.

King believes, however, that there is still time for Dr. Kissoon to “do the right thing.”

General Secretary Jonas was more concerned about the motives for Dr. Kissoon’s actions and questioned the silence of other political parties that stood for democracy in 2020.

“What is it that makes an intelligent person expose their character?” he quizzed.

He said two Bills are to be piloted by Dr. Kissoon and though he described them and insipid, said it even more without value unless she gets the support of the government that holds the majority in the House.

And so, with Dr. Kissoon holding the 32nd seat in the 65-seat legislature, the party concludes that whatever she does going forward, it is “water on duck back.”



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