Kaneville family robbed of car at gunpoint


A Kaneville, East Bank Demarara family was robbed of their red Toyota Raum motor car at gunpoint just before dawn Friday.

According to owner of the vehicle, Lucia Charles, her brother in-law Gavin Medas was awakened from his sleep to the sound of the door of the house opening.

As he attempted to investigate, he encountered two men in the house.  The men demanded that Medas lie on the ground and they took away the keys for his car.

Medas was then held at gunpoint by one of the men as the other secured control of the motor vehicle. The second man then returned and demanded that Medas surrender the keys to the family’s other vehicle.

A few minutes into the scuffle for the second car key, the two men then gave up and left in the Red Toyota Raum which bears license plate number PLL 9901.

Members of the family contacted the Grove Police Station and this led to a search of the area but the car was not found.

The family said the amount of robberies in the area has been on the increase.

They said their neighbor, Mustafa Scipio, was robbed the night before at his home of his landscaping tools.

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