Van West-Charles says Amna Ally a threat to ‘free, fair, transparent’ PNC/R Congress  

---blasts Aubrey Norton’s campaign for circulating false list


Hopeful that he can seize the position of Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) at its December 2020 Congress, Party Executive Dr. Richard Van West-Charles has expressed concern for the free and fair execution of that voting assembly.

On Wednesday evening, a statement from his campaign called for Party General Secretary (GS) Amna Ally to recuse herself from the election process.

“Ms. Ally continues to misuse and abuse the office of GS by immersing herself in the election campaign, openly taking sides and supporting one candidate, when she should be professional and desist from compromising her office,” the statement noted.

According to the statement, “Ally’s behaviour is not only untoward, unethical and unacceptable but it also goes against the principles of the party.” This approach, it observed, was never taken by any previous GS.

Van West-Charles reminded that the role of the GS, as head of the party’s secretariat, in the instance of an election, is to ensure the process is free, fair and transparent and represents the true and legitimate will of its members.

He called on the leadership -incumbent and aspiring- to embrace ethical behaviour and hold in esteem the values of the Party.

“Ms. Ally’s continued presence as GS threatens and undermines these values,” the statement added.


According to Van West-Charles, it has also been brought to his attention that a slate purporting to suggest persons who should be elected Leader, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Central Executive Members is being circulated to members.

The list in circulation is allegedly attributed to candidate, Aubrey Norton, who is identified as the person to be elected as Leader.  The list proposes Dr. Van West- Charles as a Committee Member.

Dr. Van West- Charles distanced himself from the list, allegedly emanating from the campaign Norton.

“The presentation of such a list is deceptive, disingenuous and misleading at best.  It is also disrespectful of candidate Dr. Richard Van West-Charles and other candidates who are likely to come forward in other positions,” the statement added.

Noting that he cannot speak for others who have been named on the list, the PNC/R member called on Mr. Norton to unequivocally distance himself from “this contrived mischief and effort to deceive and undermine the desired ethical code of conduct governing this election.”

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